The gravitational forces of public institutions: community-building for more just policing in New York

Being a student in one of the two largest public university systems in the country is an amazing experience. CUNY is powerfully connected to its complicated history with New York City, and there are few people who are not proud to study or teach there (or both, as many of our graduates continue on as … Continue reading The gravitational forces of public institutions: community-building for more just policing in New York

Solitude and “co-being”: connecting Russian and Rilke in becoming a scholar

In the fourth year of doing a PhD, different people come up into, and against, different feelings. Some become more invigorated, generating an ever-so-slight fullness of smile, a growing sense of purpose, of voice. Others seem bogged down, sagging under the weight of hours staring at one's silly words, uncertain that anything will ever come … Continue reading Solitude and “co-being”: connecting Russian and Rilke in becoming a scholar

New Year’s Resolution: Be human (+ an insomniac) first, then a PhD student

It's been a month since I wrote, which is a much longer break than I'd anticipated. I've decided to write about something which is not terribly inspiring or creative, but rather which is real to me and has been for several months. I've been struggling with insomnia since early October, a piece of information which … Continue reading New Year’s Resolution: Be human (+ an insomniac) first, then a PhD student

Our educational ecology: adjunct professors and our role within our communities

I was invited by Left Voice to publish a version of a speech I gave yesterday at the Graduate Center's rally for better compensation and conditions for adjunct professors (like myself) who struggle with precarious labor conditions yet comprise the majority of labor in higher education across the country. The link to the story, entitled … Continue reading Our educational ecology: adjunct professors and our role within our communities

Protesting the GOP tax bill: yet another attack on public higher education

Today I and my classmates at the Grad Center are joining forces with students from NYU and Columbia in a Walkout to protest the Republican text bill, which will tax tuition waivers and reduce our already small incomes as graduate assistants and teaching fellows. (For those of you who don't know, adjunct professors like myself … Continue reading Protesting the GOP tax bill: yet another attack on public higher education

The intellectual’s desperate need for self-parody as a Professional Smarty Pants

After the inspiring first class of Introduction to Dialectics with Stanley Aronowitz this weekend among many seasoned thinkers and established intellectuals, I felt the need to reflect on the experience of being a Professional Smarty Pants and my socialization, for better or worse, into this motley group. I'm increasingly convinced that self-awareness is in desperate … Continue reading The intellectual’s desperate need for self-parody as a Professional Smarty Pants

More love, less labor: adjuncts and the hierarchy of labor in higher education

Teaching is, for those of us who are lucky to have figured this out, a joyful and deeply rewarding profession. I've been teaching for over 12 years, and have worked with adults from 18 to over 70. I have taught classes on English as a Second Language (ESL), professional communication skills, computer literacy, citizenship, bilingual … Continue reading More love, less labor: adjuncts and the hierarchy of labor in higher education

Education and civil society: a mini-festo and a short reading list (for starters)

I'm starting, with several fellow graduate students at CUNY, a Working Group on Philanthropy and Civil Society. We come from the fields of sociology, political science, social welfare, and other disciplines which, we argue, do not speak to each other nearly enough and share learning and language around the core questions we must face as … Continue reading Education and civil society: a mini-festo and a short reading list (for starters)